Beer is still brewed by hand at the Hofmark brewery and every brewer adds his or her individual note. Beer has been brewed here in Loifling for more then 400 years and the brewery is continuously evolving, without ever loosing the personal connection to our beer.
This is what makes us so unique.
As an old brewery, we have been celebrating together with the many clubs and people in our community for generations, from birthdays to festivals.
No pain no gain – celebrate with us, nothing is nicer than enjoying success with friends.
When you have achieved something, you should celebrate!
We will be glad to help with our finest beers and expertise in organising.
Hofmark übernimmt Verantwortung - seit 1590.
Bier ist ein Kulturgut, das bewusst und mit Genuss konsumiert werden sollte.
Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie über 16 Jahre alt sind.